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Showing posts from January, 2012

How to love

One Christian missionary was asked to say the teaching of Jesus christ in a single sentence.He said-"Love your neighbor as yourself."But people don't love themselves,then how will they love their neighbor?They will not love their neighbor at all.Actually we don't know what love is.Love is such a great thing,that you can experience but can't define what it is.Like when a dumb person eats sweet,he can experience the sweetness but would not be able to say what sweetness is.Even we can't define what sweetness is.Can we?So we can't define Love.We don't even experience the real love.If the love is unconditional,then only it is real love.That love is rare.People,who are enlightened,who are calm inside,who have compassion for all the creature,they only know that love.You can also have the glimpses of that love.A single glimpse of that love will change you.You will not be the same again.To have the glimpses of love you will have to be calminside.Be meditative.I

Four steps to God realization

In Tantra there is a shloka-UTTAMO BRAHMA SADBHAV MADHYAMA DHYAN DHARANA,JAPASTUTISYADADHAMA MURTIPUJADHADHAMA.It literally means-feeling oneself as Brahman is best,meditating is mediocre,chanting and prayers are lower and idol worshiping is lowest in nature. As i understand this shloka,it just describes the four stages to God realisation.On spiritual path one starts with idol worshipping,then he starts chanting some mantra,then meditating and at last he feels that he/she has become God.That is Brahma sadbhav.One can't just leap to that stage.                               No stage is superior or inferior.They are just stages through which a seeker passes.Without going through the first stage,if one will just try to be in Samadhi, s/he won't get any real success.If you have not gone through idol worshiping you won't be able to realize the formlessness of God.You will just become a hypocrite.Like followers of some religions who say they don't believe in idol worshipin


All the religions talk about God.What is unique is that every religion has it's own God.Gods of all of them are different from each other.God of one religion is greater than the other religion.They fight for their Gods.They undertake jihad and crusade in the name of God. One wonders whether there is God!People who claimed that they knew God dont speak the same language.Their descriptions of God differ from each other.Why so? In Hindu phylosophy one of the names of God is Anant, which means infinite.If God is infinite then how can an finite know God?That is why nobody knows Her completely.It's an infinite process to know God.Only infinite can know God and no body can be infinite.That's why i say God is the gretest mystery.                          A river can merge in the ocean and by merging itself in the ocean it can know what the ocean is.Same way a human being can know God by merging in God.The contradiction is that when one merges in God it doesn't have a separa

Foot- prints of a great king

There is a story about Lord Buddha.Those days Buddha was living by the side of a river near Gaya in Bihar.After taking bath in the river He went to his ashram.These were summer days.While walking to his ashram,his foot-prints were visible in the sands near the river.After Buddha left the river,a great astrologer of those days also reached to the same spot where Buddha took bath.The astrologer saw the foot prints of Buddha,he was amazed.He was able to tell the fortune of a person by seeing the person's foot prints also.He knew by seeing the foot prints those should be of a great king.So he followed the foot prints and reached the ashram of Buddha,he found that there was none except Buddha,so now he was sure that the foot prints were of Buddha.He was now shocked.Buddha asked him-O brahmana,why are you looking shocked?The astrologer replied-"I am considered the greatest astrologer of the time and according to my knowledge the man,whose foot prints are those, should be a great ki

Food and the Dharma

In modern Hinduism many people give too much stress on the food.They say certain things should be eaten while certain things are never to be eaten, then only you are a true Hindu.In my view your food makes hardly an effect on being your Hindu.It’s your personal matter that what you eat and what you don’t eat.Yes,certainly food makes an effect on your mental state, not more.If you take vegetarian food,it helps to keep your mind calm.But only vegetarian food is not going to help you attain enlightenment.If vegetarian food could get you enlightenment,then all the vegetarian animals would have got enlightenment.I am not saying that take non- vegetarian food.Again i will repeat that it’s your personal choice what to eat or what not to eat. The important thing on the path of Dharma is Sadhana or spiritual practice.Whatever you eat ,if you do spiritual practice,you will attain enlightenment sooner than later.

Re- Incarnation:just a belief or reality

One of the major beliefs of Hinduism is re incarnation.Hindu Gods and Godesses have re incarnated.In Bhagvadgita Lord Krishna says to Arjuna- You and me have taken many births,but i remember those births and you don't. If you believe in the Law of Evolution ,then you must agree that everything evolves,whether it is a Being or the consciousn ess.In everything there is consciousness.Only the percentage differs.In a stone the percentage of consciousness is very less almost negligible,in tiny creatures it is more and in developed beings it is more than tiny beings.In human beings the percentage of consciousness is highest but not hundred percent.Although human beings have the potential to achieve hundred percent consciousness.Lord Krishna and some other highly developed souls achieved hundred percent consciousness.So the possibility to have hundred percent consciousness is there.Every creature will attain that hundred percent consciousness.Some creatures will need millions of years t


THIS IS THE VICTORY OF THE TRUTH. There is a saying in India-Only the truth triumphs.The decision of the Russia court to reject the plea to ban Bhagvadgita As It Is again proves that saying. Bhagvadgita As It Is is the translation and commentary of the original text Bhagvadgita by Ac Bhaktivedant Prabhupada.Bhaktivedant Prabhupada was the founder of International Society for Krishna Consciousness popularly known as ISKCON or Hare Krishna Movement. I have read Bhagvadgita As It Is and i don't find anything in it which can be called extremist in nature.But the Russian Orthodox Church wanted to get Bhagvadgita As It Is banned in Russia saying it preaches religious tolerance Fortunately the Siberian Court has rejected the plea to get it banned.The good sense prevailed. As Sanjaya rightly concludes Bhagvadgita with his opinion that, Where there is vision and acumen (Yogeshwara Krishna) along with readiness to act with conviction (Dhanurdharaha Partha) there would be wealth, succes